Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mother's Choice

Abortion. This is an extremely touchy subject no matter what part of the world you live in. Texas laws are as follows:

There have been 3 major abortion laws passed in Texas since Roe v Wade. In 1987 3rd trimester abortions were banned, thus closing a loophole left by this historic decision. The next step after Roe v Wade was the establishment of legislation in 1977 that protected the right of medical personnel who either refused to participate in abortion procedures or those who did participate. Private hospitals or health care facilities were not legally obligated to perform abortions unless the life of the mother was immediately threatened. Following in 1985 the Texas Abortion Facility Reporting and Licensing Act stipulated that all abortion facilities must report the following information about each patient in a yearly report: the license status of the facility; patient's year of birth, race, marital status, state and country of residence; type of abortion procedure; date abortion was performed; post-operative status of patient and cause of death when applicable; period of gestation at time of procedure; date of patient's last menstrual cycle; number of previous live births to patient; number of previous abortions performed on patient. Further; all abortion facilities not under the jurisdiction of the Texas Hospital Licensing Law or a physician's office must be licensed. This includes physician's offices where 51% or more of the patients receive an abortion.

Unlike many, I think these are all acceptable laws. I'm one of the few Texans that believe that an abortion is the choice of the mother. Many protest that if the woman was ready for sex, than they ought to be ready to have a child. Yes, I agree that people should take accountability for their actions, but in this case, it is different. I mean there is a big difference between getting drunk and having to deal with a hangover, and getting pregnant and having to care for a child. A child requires time and energy, not to mention money. Depending on your financial situation, a child can cost from $143,790 to $289,380. I believe it is more important for the mother to care for herself, than be forced to try to care for a child when she is unprepared. I mean is it really worth a child to be brought into this world at the risk of them not receiving the appropriate care, and in turn end up wishing they were dead anyway?

1 comment:

Elaine said...

I agree with you Texas may have all these laws for abortion, but it is so totally up to the mother of the fetus to either have it or not to have it. I think that there should be more information about the different procedures and the effects it will cause in the long run. The side effects for the mental state of the female before and after, to really make sure that she ok after and doesn’t suffer from P.A.S.S. I agree that kids do cost a lot of money , when having kids you have to think about the finical situation that you are in and if you have the baby would have to ask yourself this question “ can you support a baby and also yourself”. What happens if the mother gets raped and gets pregnant and decides to have an abortion, it is totally up to the mother, there has been some cases that the mother has choose to keep it or to have an abortion, it is totally up to that person. That’s what makes it the women choice, to do what’s best for them. So like this blog I agree Women have the Right to choose what they want happen to their body and if they can have support they baby themselves.